Meatloaf wraps for those delicious leftovers

meatloaf wraps

So I made Alton Brown’s meatloaf recipe. It was amazing, and I will be making it again. Still, I had a lot of leftovers. Which was awesome, but I can only make so many meatloaf sandwiches. So why not make some wraps? Here are three different ways I used this great source of meaty goodness.

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Three Valentine’s cocktails

 Valentines Day!

To me: It is a time to show the people you love how you do. I have always been more of a Mardi Gras girl myself. I don’t think that roses and chocolate are a must have thing, and I totally say I love you by baking or making things I know the person will like.

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Cheapest, best seeds I could find

seed selection

Imagine, it’s January or February, lets get you s@#!% together. Seeds I mean.

January/ February is the time this year that I am thinking of seeds. I want to be able to order and get the ones I need before winter sowing. That way, mid-February I am all set to start. I never tired it before, so it could blow up in my face. Please stay tuned!

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Silly skunk, your smell gives you away


So I know we have a skunk. I saw an adult crossing the road and I thought to myself, “Self, your garden is screwed!” I was not wrong, I saw most of my sweet corn crop go in a night. I actually think it was the raccoons, but when I saw a black and white tail also fleeing the scene of the crime it makes me wonder how I have any vegetables left at all.

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