Mellow Mole’

I have a confession… I am a wuss. I am not into melt your face off spicy food, I can’t handle wings, Sriracha and I will never be friends (unless he brings his friend mayo to play bouncer between us). I tend not to go towards anything with jalapenos in them. It’s just how I am. That being said I have broadened my tastes buds while working in kitchens over the years: I found that spice and heat in food are 2 different things, and that with the proper know-how I can lower the heat while keeping great flavor in Cajun, Mexican, and Asian cooking. One of my favorite concoctions is my Mellow Mole’.

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Tomatoes for Christmas. How to give a gift of the garden, when December is far away.

So in the garden I never know what will do well. Sometimes I put all my heart and soul into a kind of plant, just to have it fail. The funny thing is there is always something that takes off and does great! I end up storing those for winter, or for gifts.

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Brown Sugar Oat Bread

I’m excited to share this one with you! I call it a sandwich bread because it has great structure, but really it can be any kind of bread you need. You need french toast, bread pudding, or a grilled cheese? This one does it all! It has a sweetness from the brown sugar, just a hint, which is great friends with the oats in the mix.

It is a loaf to make on a Sunday, and lasts a few days even with my family of 4 because it is so hearty. Not bad for one loaf of bread! A big bonus is that it is healthier and cheaper than the same quality bread you could buy at the store. Enjoy and make it for your loved ones!

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Banana or apple oatmeal bake, when I have to get creative in the kitchen.

So sometimes I run out of milk before I get shopping. It’s ok, the world is not going to end, but it can get a little dicey with breakfast. We have chickens so you might think “problem solved!” Well we also run out of bread and two eggs alone on a plate seems wrong for some reason. Did I mention I have some over ripe bananas? Whee nutritious breakfast here it comes!

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Seafood scampi from the Florida coast, letting you hold on to summer.

Every couple of years since I was 8 I have been going down to Florida to visit my loving grandparents. It was like going to a different world: It was freezing and snowing in Michigan,  we usually left in march or April, the grey skies never brightening. So we, the 7 of us, would pile into the car and drive the 20 plus hours to sunny Florida.

The travel there was fraught with ups and downs, but we always got there in one piece.

It was so different than Michigan, things were growing and tropical. The weather was hot, and the air smelled of salt. My parents took us all to the ocean. (By the way, the ocean tastes werid. As we all grew up next to the great lakes, a common thought between kids is that the ocean tastes wrong.) The lakes are unsalted and shark and jelly fish free, but are also frozen 5 months out of the year. We left for Florida when they were still frozen.

My Grandmothers best thing she would make was seafood scampi. We liked it because there was always enough. Growing up in a large family, people never knew how to cook for us. The cool thing about this dish is that it fills you up and doesn’t take long to prepare. In the Florida heat it was just what you needed, and the quick cook time meant you didn’t need to heat up the house.

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Wild Spinach Quiche, when foraging and refinement meet!

Every year I try to learn about a new plant that I can pick from my own yard and play with in food. I believe foraging is due for a update. Raising up to place of elegance and refinement.  Last year I found  American sorrel, which I turned into the most delightful pesto! Recipe here. This year it is lambs quarter or pig weed…

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Peach and kale salad with Soy sauce and ginger dressing.

It’s July and peaches are in full swing! There is something amazing and special to me about the smell of fresh fruit. It’s like I can smell the sun rising out of them, and that never fails to makes me smile.

Which is great! But then I get over-excited and buy too many for the family to eat. I know, a curse of too much fresh fruit. Darn! So how to make the best of it and use them up before they go south?

Continue reading “Peach and kale salad with Soy sauce and ginger dressing.”