Bug around town

Up above, the first butterfly of the season. I have always liked bugs.  They are very interesting, and as most things have their pros and cons. Especially in the garden. Here are some good pictures I took of the my little companions. I hope you enjoy!

On sunflowers I found out bees, wasps, and bubble bees share the same flowers at the same time. With no fighting! There was too much to do and plenty for everyone.

I have no idea what this guy is, but he was so colorful that I had to take his picture.

This caterpillar was so cool to watch. My kid insisted that it was a zebra worm. Oh, how a 3 year old knows everything!

I like leaf bugs.  Now you see me, now you don’t.

This guy was eating my cabbage, like a jerk. There is plenty of nature for everyone go find a different plant to munch on . Unfortunately there is no way to say that to a bug. R.I.P caterpillar…

Green Grasshopper on my corn just looked cool in the sunlight.

So I was looking at the flower, and then was surprised by this little lady walking out to say hello.

Slugs are not my favorite. But it looked so nice there. I guess ugly things can be photogenic sometimes.

We called these sweat flies or sweat bees in the mid west. I wonder if that is the same on the east coast. Cool none-the-less.

This wasp was looking for something to eat. Good thing it was not interested in me or my family.

It is so hard to catch bees in flight. But I did it. If only just.

Last butterfly, or moth, of the season. Before the frost got to everything.

Here is a funny little ditty on 5 good and bad bugs in your garden. Enjoy!

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