Mommy sense

I have two kids, and come from a family of 5 kids. I’m the oldest, and mostly watched the younger ones. From that I guess I got a instinct of knowing when shit is about to go down. My husband calls it mommy sense.

It works most of the time to let me know something is happening with my kids, except for a couple of weeks ago. I was deep cleaning my house. I mean the kind of cleaning you would do if your parents are coming to town, or the pope. I was going to have a party where I wanted to meet more of my neighbors. “Hey why not invite the people on my street. I’ve been here a year. If things get weird I will ask them to leave. No worries right…” I thought. Wrong. I like people to see my house at it’s best. So will channel all my energy into cleaning my ass off.

So as I was in the middle of this house strip down because I want people to like me, I was down on all fours cleaning under my couch. Something told me to stand up and look out at the farmstand. I saw a gentlemen walking away from the farm stand. I felt off, not like that good feeling you get when someone just bought something.

More like something is not right. I hadn’t made a sale yet, and so was not worried. But then I saw it. The lid was not on the money jar anymore, he had left it on the ground after going into the bottle. Why that little shit.

I have to admit I was filled with rage. I am really trying hard to make my families lives better, and this piss ant is trying to mess with that. What could I do? I know there was no money in there, so what was the harm? Plus if I confronted him he would lie and said he did no such thing, or even worst what if he got violent. As I was thinking that I was looking at my little daughter thinking I could not leave her without a mother right now. So I did nothing… I waited until he walked away went outside picked up the lid off the ground and put it back on the jar. Then walked inside a little bruised in my heart. I really try hard to think he just needs money more than I do. I’m really trying hard, but that only helps so much.

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