A Victory Garden, a defense of the home front

One definition of a Victory garden, also called war gardens, or “food gardens for defense”, were vegetable, fruit, and herb gardens planted at private residences and public parks in the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia and Germany during World War I and World War II.

They were used along with Rationing Stamps and Cards to reduce pressure on the public food supply. Besides indirectly aiding the war effort, these gardens were also considered a civilmorale booster” in that gardeners could feel empowered by their contribution of labor and rewarded by the produce grown. This made victory gardens a part of daily life on the home front.

I love that idea of a garden as a defense on the home front. Not that you need it, because rationing is a thing of the past, but as a way to defend yourself and your family from the unknown. It’s not likely that you will need a Victory garden to defend against a war or apocalypse, but maybe you can defend against laziness, sickness, or even selfishness.

Too often, I am will to chill out in front of the TV. Too often am I willing to sit on my bum rather then go be active my kids. Too willingly do I buy things, rather than share what I have grown with others. I truly believe people everywhere should have access to fresh local food. Somebody has to raise or pack everything you and I eat. So I took what steps I could.

Number one, put in a Victory garden. Number two use and preserve it. Number three sell what I can to those who can afford it, and the rest goes to a food bank or the homeless. I like that anyone could do it, so why not me, why not you?

Anytime I am angry at the way the world, I go outside and weed, go dig up a plant, or cut one down. There is plenty of bittersweet in my yard for me to take out my aggression on.

Plus it gets me outside where I can think on things, or can get away from things circling around in my head. I could only imagine what it was like for people during the 1940’s. Sons and husbands away at war, some never to return. Things are hard for me to get done, but my husband comes come every night. Their problems make my problems seem a little bit smaller. So when my dishes are in the sink, I try to remember that I have food to make them dirty. If I can grow it myself, well that is a spark that lights my heart. I am trying to grow that spark in to a flame. Fuel for that fire is the knowledge that some other household is also eating what I grew or made locally. That would make me quite proud indeed. So that is why I started my Victory garden. I hope you start one too.

 Side note: Sometimes the task can bleed into the farming which can be fun. Being outside with the sweet summer sun. Having my son plant peas and get excited when they grow. Watching a child and planting a crop, enjoying the soft breeze of the river. I think most people should be outside as much as possible. Even though I am sitting here at my desk at my desk, it is 11 o’clock at night and I can’t sleep any how.

Today I was outside with my kids and it just felt like a day to remember. After we played around in the garden, my son and I started to play soccer in the yard. I love it when you can, for a split second, feel like you are in the right place at the right time.

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