Warm kale apple salad Healthy and tasty. Not joking.

Fall is coming! Why not take what we have harvest and make a salad. What kind? Warm salad. WARM KALE SALAD. When I first came across the concept, it didn’t make sense to me. I thought “All salads must be cold”, otherwise they would lose their crunch! But as the cool weather sets in, this salad warms the heart and the hands. It’s great for those days where you want a salad, and you want to be warm.

Warm Salad with Kale and Apples
Preparation time: 20 minutes

2 teaspoons vegetable oil

1 firm apple, chopped (I like gala or honey crisp)

1 small finely chopped onion

2 1/2 cups of chopped and washed kale. (Remove the stalks! Use them for chicken feed)(Hopefully home grown)

1/8 cup of pumpkin seeds or nuts

1/8 cup of crumbled goat cheese or feta

1/8 of a cup of vinaigrette (but you can put in more if you want)

In a frying pan, add oil. Heat on medium until a drop of water sizzles in the oil. Then add the onion.

Fry them until they turn slightly golden.

Add the chopped apple, and mix completely.

Let sizzle for 2 minutes.

Add half the vinaigrette to the apples and onions stir.

Add the chopped kale, then put a lid on and let steam for another 2 minutes, or until your Kale wilts.

Mix while adding the reserved vinaigrette.

To serve, put on a plate and sprinkle with your seeds or nuts. Place the cheese on top.


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